Happy New Year!

With the New Year fast approaching, now is a great time to reflect on what this year has brought for us.

What have you learnt over this past year? What do you regret? What are you proud of? Don't be afraid to confront the negative things that happened to you this year. It helps you develop and it will allow you to avoid making the same mistakes next year! 

Are you one of those people who sets a 'New Year's Resolution' only to go and break it within a week? If so then don't make one - instead try setting a realistic goal, something you know is achievable but at the same time will encourage you  to pursue it. Personally I am going to try and set myself little monthly goals - things related to my career, my financial status or even just to have a fun day out once a month! Something I know is achievable and that I can work towards. 

This will enable me to remain positive throughout the New Year, something I have been lacking throughout 2017. I could of just said to myself that my 'New Year's Resolution' is to be more positive, but I am one of those people who breaks their resolution within minutes of the New Year, and I know that if something small went wrong I would be back on the negative band wagon spreading the negativity throughout 2018!

Being negative is something that comes easily to me, so my goal for next year is to complete monthly targets so that I feel successful each month, rather than dwelling on the bad things that happen.

Perhaps this might appeal to you too? Or maybe you are somebody who can stick to their resolutions? Do what you need to do to feel successful in your own life. Don't be influenced by others, by your elders, or even the people you admire. Be honest and do what is right for you - after all, you only get one life - your life - so you might as well live it!

What ever your goals or resolutions are for 2018, I hope you have a happy and healthy one, full of opportunities, happy memories and success!

Thanks for reading!

Happy New Year!

